Edgewater Road, Rogers AR
5 Edgewater Road, Rogers 72756. In the 14 years that Jeff Perrin & Jeff Welborn have known and been working together – we vote these clients as our absolutely most nicest Clients, and they are also originally from Louisiana! However, when they initially found us they were living in Houston Texas – home of the World’s second largest company. Their particular lot location (like many in NWA) is prone to small underground caverns. Not our first rodeo – we enlisted a local Geo-Technical Engineering Firm for soil radar and testing. Part of the fix for this type of “swiss-cheese-soil” was to over-dig the basement foundation and use “shot-crete-gunite” and create a stable shell around the eventual structure. Engineers love this kind of stuff! Amazingly we somehow stayed close to on budget and increased the soil area drainage and even also used real water-proof-concrete. Our clients lived in Houston at the beginning of the build [they missed all the fun stuff] … Clients finally retired as a home office executive with Exxon in Houston and also a cancer survivor spouse. The total square feet under roof on this home is 5757 sq ft. We would love to have more clients from Louisiana!